Saturday, August 6, 2011


Typical bathtime at Ntuzuma

Its 6.15 pm and I sit in the bathroom on the toilet seat, overseeing the events happening inside the bath tub - I say events because contrary to popular beliefs when two 11 year old boys decide to go take a bath that necessarily doesn't mean there is soap and a bath towel involved. All it just means is that there is just warm water and what they decide to do with it, its totally up to them. I'm amazed at the number of games one can play inside a bath tub! From 'Super Spy Underwater Agent' to 'Battle Dirt', the games totally have no rules. Buhle and Zipho are the main culprits of this! With more water on the floor than in the tub, I laugh at their enthusiasm of the sport!

Scientific and medical reports were handed to me on various topics by the two Dr's. I laughed at the realization that these almost sounded real, as if it was in actual fact a routine check - routine check in the bath tub - just wicked. Ye, memorable indeed

This is History and my encounters with him have always left me with an indescribably worry - and that was 'he just never smiles at anyone who plays with him'. I was shocked this time when he began laughing and playing indoor football with me...where did all this energy come from, I really don't know - it just keeps eluding me. Whats even worse is that I didn't even have to bribe him (ye don't act like you never bribed a 2 year old kid). When he smiles at me back, its a confirmation that he really isn't that more worried about where his next meal will come from, or who will return to play with him tomorrow. When he smiles I just know he is not troubled by the world, that he is sure that he is loved just like Sphe, Zipho, Buhle or Thembelihle! I just know he knows that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but there playing indoor football with him

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  1. Thembalethu said... August 6, 2011 at 7:04 PM

    I try and stay away from anything involving kids and water! Cool entry, I'm loving the blog!I try and stay away from anything involving kids and water! Cool entry, I'm loving the blog!

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