One of the revolutionary ideas of the gospel is that we begin to do what we ought for God as we are captivated by the story of what he has done for us.
J.D. Greear
Serving Christ together
Friday, June 15, 2012

These are some of the pamphlet designs that have been giving me long hours on the laptop recently. Praise the Lord that everything with the MK's is coming together - maybe not as we all had planned but certainly there are amazing surprises that just take out breathe away and we look at them thinking...'Thats just like God'.
We still heavily praying for both the MK2MK projects but as well as the WSN Summer Project visiting Durban this year. There is just too much to plan and everyone has something on their plate, please pray for an amazing spirit of discernment as we accumulate all the idea's we intend to use, investing basically the next month into that. Pray they could be highly fruitful within ministry and serve the Lord and glorify Him! Also pray for the logistics of accomodation, transporting, meals, students and MK's who are still raising their support to join us on the project as well as the local interns as they also continue raising their support for the project and ministry as well!
Will be updating you monthly as we go on!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Challenge of this month, as the MK's are about to touch South African soil in 3 weeks time, I with the help of Stephen, need to organize a mini debating league that will be between two schools: Mandlenkosi High School and J. G. Zuma High School. The entire purpose of the mini league is to promote healthy debating standards within schools which are informative, intellectually challenging and fun. Also this would be a try to have the school initiate its own debating class or debating team with the hope that it will in a few years participate in its own regional competitions.
Though I didn't do debating in school as a core cultural activity, I have a good round understanding of it though I still need to take a weekend to sit down and look at debating in high schools. I'm so excited about this part of the programme and its such a thrilling experience to be doing it and also sharing the Gospel through that!
I'm still thinking of some of the debate topics which can be put on the table and later on will share a more detailed structure of how the league would look like!
Serving Christ together
Though I didn't do debating in school as a core cultural activity, I have a good round understanding of it though I still need to take a weekend to sit down and look at debating in high schools. I'm so excited about this part of the programme and its such a thrilling experience to be doing it and also sharing the Gospel through that!
I'm still thinking of some of the debate topics which can be put on the table and later on will share a more detailed structure of how the league would look like!
Serving Christ together
Thursday, June 7, 2012

And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ
1 Cor 5:18-21
Visiting a life group today of one of my supporters who had invited me upon request, it was a great privilege and humbling experience to share about my ministry. Going up there, it was my prayer that the Lord fills my heart with words of encouragement for them as Christians and also share with them what I am doing during my year of internship in ministry and how they could be partners. The tone as I sat down listening to an Andy Stanley North Point Church series titled Simple: follow, believe, obey; they are going through as a life which itself pointed to the redemptive work of Christ and how we to are to respond in following Him, having that belief that He is who scripture reveals He is, having no mental reservations none what so ever. This slowly progressed to a point where I just felt the Lord telling me, it wasn't an audible voice or anything, but I shared with what ministry has looked like on our campuses, focusing on the ministry of reconciliation that the Lord has under taken ever since we had fallen from that position of being made right with God. The above scripture in portions stringed through my mind and words Anele had constantly been saying last year, I just had not taken in the serious gravity of what he was saying. From the word go, we have a 'clear' understanding with no under tones of what the Great Commission requires of everyone who is a true disciple of Christ but more so what became a sobering thought, not taking away from that scripture its richness is how the Lord has been reconciling the Word to Himself through Christ and that He has been doing it. When God made His appeal through Christ, He modeled for us, what ministry we have been called into. That dawned out to one me like a ton of fair bricks! It says: and he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. so we are Christ's ambassadors and God is making his apeal through us'. Anything past that - past the fact that we are called to partner with Christ in reconciling with God the world back to him so that we can be called children of God, made right (righteous) with God!
This is more than I was bargaining for when I asked my supporter for an opportunity to speak at his life group. Standing there and sharing what and how the Lord has been doing on campus with our students, His redemptive work in my life, is nothing short of a great praise to Him. In more ways than one, tonight was very encouraging to have been there and I appreciate all the support I had received from the Price family, my team and everyone who had been praying for me for this afternoon.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

These past couple of few days we have been getting through the crust of a strawberry jam toast. I say crust because these past few weeks and more coming will prove to be on of the most grilling as we, the SLM (Student Lead Movement) team, Anele, Thandeka, Thandekile, Slie and Noscelo have to plan a 5 weeks mission trip for university students who are coming in from the States to serve in Durban. With that, we need to ensure that from logistics to catering, that our students are able to fully participate in this years community involvement with the Summer Project (university students from the States). Each member in the team has a role to play and as I think about it, Thandeka and I need to finalise the student brochure and invitation letter before the end of today so it may be sent out to all the students who will be participating during their holidays so that they could inform their parents. We hoping to get our campus students in for 1 to 2 weeks working with the Summer Project in different area's of Durban namely KwaDabeka, Newlands, Umlazi and Cator Manor. The aim is to partner with different local church and not only be a blessing to what the church is doing in that community but also engage in forging a relationship between student/campus ministry with them for future prospects. For example, we will be working with Qhilika High School in Umlazi. They are excited to host us and we are equally excited to be with them for a week. We are looking into the different activities we could run for the entire school from leadership training for prefects, to seminars, to evangelical and discipleship training in their SCO (Student Christian Organization). We have come up with a tool box, thats basically everything we are capable of running at the school during the peiod we are there. As we continue knitting the pieces together we just hoping we do not run out of time and that is of great essence. Anele, our SLM team leader in is Pretoria this week for presentations and reporting, so thats taking away a bit of man power but on ourselves, we all have clear cut directions to where we are going, how to get there is where prayer is needed the most but we trusting the Lord for his guidance.
By July, we should be making our way to the strawberry jam layer
Friday, June 1, 2012

For the next 3 months I will be sharing about our expected visitors with this insert being the 1st and I decided to aptly
title it ‘Go proclaim all nations’ taking the Great Commission from the book of Matthew. From the July 7-August 7,a team of approximately 120 consisting of missionary kids (MK), Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) interns and staff will be joining us in Durban.MK, a title given to high school students whom their parents are serving in CCC as staff from different cultures and countries of the world, are joining us for a ministry of outreach to different high school students through their classrooms, sports and drama in and around Durban for the entire month. This is a community of MK’s where discipleship takes place by university students. There are proactive in partnering with other ministry and for the first time since the organization had been conceived, they have never visited South Africa, so it’s a great privilege to host them as well as serve with them. We, Durban team and our campus students with the international team, will also be involved in humanitarian work including HIV/AIDS education in the schools and children’s ministry with bible day camps. The MK’s come together seasonally from different parts of the world and plan mission trips such as this one, conferences, internships, etc. This is a great opportunity as well for our students and us to continue reaching our city during the holidays – we encouraging those students who live around Durban to join us.
Today we had been sitting with the Durban team planning on what we are wanting to do when the MK's get to Durban, where we would like them to serve in ministry within the community and in our schools, the schools which CrossRoads have been working and also which we would like to expand.
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