Last day of the term of the semester. It has been a pretty long term and we not even through with it just as yet. Synonymous with mid-term breaks are camps. Last friday we heading up North to Kwa-Maphumulo for a weekend of great worship, fellowship, discipleship, teaching, building and did I mention worship. Themed ‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ’ this spring camp stands to set an all-time record of being a great success or a great failure says one of the leaders! This camp has been given the ‘Survivor-feel’ and without a question in mind from what we have all heard it surely will be a survivor camp but also it is the first camp which has been organised independent from the interns.
One thing I cannot help mention is how the Lord has been so gracious in planning this camp. I think He, as always, out did Himself once again. One of the issue with organising this camp is that we tried to make it as affordable as possible as that we did however sooner than later, we were faced with costs which really brought affordability into question. But God . . . . He has done exceedingly more than what we expected. A lesson learnt by all of us, is to stand in faith in what we are to receive, wait in perseverance for the Lords gift to come into physical manifestation, depicting the truth that is spoken of in the Bible which truly does set us free
Consider it pure joys, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance, Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything
James 1:2-4
Having been a few days since the camp I am still amazed at how this was a great success – and this is due to an amazing team of servants who dedicated the entire camp to serving the students. They really have been awesome and they truly epitomised some of the leadership characteristics that Kate (one of the interns leading breakout sessions) which is humility, demonstration of love in what they do, had a great and amazing servants heart, were compassionate, did it for the glory of God, they were not doing things according to their way but how it has been asked to be done. I salute them tremendously. The Pastor as well was so amazingly on point – he really set the bench-mark for a great mentor and discipler, evident in the bond fire we had at night with the guys. There really isn’t a thing we missed at camp – I felt this theme of the camp really didn’t stand – it was more like where you are now in your faith, come and experience God! I loved it – true story, Friday morning when I was speaking to Lelo about the fundings, getting a really despondent answer from him, I was really close to saying, “Ayt, lets call it a day –it was fun organising the camp” but when the time of departure came, I was totally blown away. The food was so greatly amazing it was not even funny!
We are in KZN so this should say everthing |
Enhle translate for the seniors of the community |
And you though University Christian students don't know how to have fun! |
Lelo's grandmother who absolutely blessed us walking up with one of the ladies, Tha (the short one) |
This man trully amazes me everytime I talk to him! |