Its as been a while sicne we last touched based on what as
been appening here in Botswana plainly because sorry to say, there is no internet access at were we sleeping
which is a seminary just north of Gaborone. Te past two days have been a
glorious act and work of the Lord. We have just fell flat on our face to see
how receptive students are – more so how students here see Christianity and
God. The main campus at Gaborone is amazingly beautiful – the infrastructure is
amazing and so are the students – there academics are on par but there is
lack-off … something missing! The Gospel is missing – there is so much that the
Lord has revealed on our student leaders on the trip but the is also a great
revelation on how this campus really needs the true Christ of the bible. People
believe that there is God…we all do – no questions asked about that! However it
gets tricky when you ask them who is God – is nature, character, spirit, etc.
The thing they do not grasp from the 4 days we have been on campus sharing is
the point of salvation!
We just conducted a Solarium in the student meeting halls
and met a guy by the name of Koane. Asking him to chose 2 pictures which would
describe how his life is now he chose these.
For a second I was taken aback with what to say and how to
say it to him. I just lost all words – I was confounded by how to approach
this, to approach him, to approach sharing with him. For a second all had been
lost of words – thinking now of the great God we serve, there has been such a
releave that all works in man are by Him through His Son – all we can do is
serve and proclaim what has been passed onto us as good stewards of the Gospel.
We have the last day on campus with the students as they
close off for the end of the year and head off to their families – there are so
many stories to share and so many experiences to relay. There is no other great
power that has allowed me here and granted this opportunity. Great news – we
managed to get a radio slot for this afternoon on campus with the UniBots
Student Radio Station wowowowo cant wait for that.
Please be praying for our team as we continue learning more
and more about who God is and His power seeing His power manifesting on campus
for His Glory. For our team and the students on campus as they write their
exams and encounter Him.
‘This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent us
His Son an atoning sacrifice for our
1 John 4:10