Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Picking Locks

I sit in the lounge and directly across me is the door wide open with the burglar guard gate locked! Yep, we are locked in the house. Tragic just tragic. Its been over an hour now we have been panting around the house shifting furniture, unraveling the closet, disintegrating the kitchen looking for the key to our freedom. The 3 of us sit discussing where the stupid key is, how it went missing, who was the last time to see it blah blah blah.

We contemplate using the window as our exit route but ye, that would be an option only if we weren't 2 levels above ground. How about we pick the lock I thought out silently - I wonder what my Christians friends would think about me now - I finally plucked up the courage but before I do that, I Google "How to pick a lock" after gaining much wisdom about how locks work etc I then say: 'by any chance, do we have any paper clips in the house somewhere?'. I then shrink. With a lower voice he replies: 'No, why do you need it.'. I replied saying never mind. Moments later, Ayanda then finds a conspicuously looking metal thin rod and we try to pick the lock. Well...MISSION FAIL. This instance would be a great analogy to use when delivering a 'Setting captives free' sermon on Galatians 5! Enough jokes - serious issue here. At this time I should be in Howard meeting up with a possible supporter. I haven't plucked up the courage yet to tell him about the entire dilemma. By no means he would understand but on my part, I hate coming up with reasons to why I'm being late or not able to make a meeting or anything else.

Deep in thought I think: 'Alyssa would know what to do...'. (FYI she doesn't pick locks for a living she would come up with crazy ideas that would work!!!)

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  1. Alyssa said... February 15, 2012 at 4:58 PM

    I would have gotten you out of there Jack Bauer style! Honored to be held in such high accords!

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