Thursday, May 10, 2012


We getting there

Ministry Partner Development (MPD) - raising support for my internship this year has taught me more than I could have expected so far. One thing it has not been is what I had expected it to be when I had signed on the dotted line. Starting the journey on my MPD was with a book recommended that we all read it aptly titled: Funding your minsitry by Scott Morgan. Though I did not read it from cover to cover, I had left chapter some what with the confidence that ' I can do this...lets do this!'. Morgan's outlook on ministry development is nicely wrapped in a 216 page brown covered book: from attitude change towards ministry development and resourcing, to practical essential fundraising strategies, to becoming organized including bible studies on resource development - thats what you get for being in ministry for a couple of years - its all clear in your mind. I find myself, 5 months down the line, still praising the Lord for all the valuable skills he has allowed me to seek and grow in.

One trustful saying that Joshua clinged onto both from Moses and the Lord is: Be strong and couragous. Do not fear or be dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will never leave you nor will he forsake you. - Deut 31:6 (ESV). Thus has been my praise item these past months. From my team and I, there has been so many partners and sponsors that have been taken from their tithing or free-will offering and have given to our ministry. There has been an overwhelming amount of support from family and friends and also from partners and supporters who contribute to our ministry. Our supporters are God-given to us! They are Gods answer to prayer.

Lessons learnt! Below is Robyn-Lee Samuels blog entry on an MPD appointment she had some few weeks ago. She highlights some of the most crucial aspects of what we all have been learning:
In my excitement to be punctual for a Ministry Partnership appointment I had in Cape Town I bought a ticket for my first train ride a day in advance. The appointment had been scheduled for Tuesday 6th March at the V & A Waterfront. Unfortunately, my ticket was for Tuesday 5th March — an error I could have avoided had I mentioned the date I wished to travel by train. But the pre-mature ticket was merely the tip of my first-train-ride iceberg. While en route to meet the potential ministry partner, she asked to reschedule the appointment. This is one of the many unfortunate events that form part of the beauty that is Ministry Partnership Development (MPD). During MPD I build a team of partners who invest in my ministry financially and especially through prayer and encouragement. As I continue to trust God for people like you to partner with me, there will be many more unused tickets, unanswered phone calls and unread emails.Still I learn to be patient and enjoy the beauty that is around me. I explore new territories and appreciate the greater Cape Town area. Moreover I learn, I grow and I move forward — saving every unused ticket as a reminder of the lessons learned and the memories created through my MPD process.


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