Friday, July 13, 2012

I have been in Durban for only 3 days and already it feels like it has been a long week. My team mates are exhausted as they get into the last few days into the community then from the following week we will be returning to campus as our students themselves get back on campus for their second semester.
I have been spending my days since I returned from my sisters funeral with the MK2MK project as we'd have been working in a number of schools namely Mandlenkosi High Scholl where the MK's have been teaching on leadership skills using materials called the Habituted and concurrently we have been having training in debate in the same school. The team has been so amazing in adapting to the changing environment from a day to day basis. This Thursday we had the kids show off their debating skills in a mini-debating challenge. It's just amazing how I feel they have been absorbing it all.
In other schools we had vacation bible school where within an hour numbers of kids present moved from 10 or so to over 200. We found ourselves having to think if we want to limit the numbers but we ended up not doing that. One of the school had sports camp though I didn't get time to spend with that group I heard the choice did and amazing job in working with the kids.
Tomorrow is another training session for the kids this time with them presenting for us which should be exciting!
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